Friday, January 21, 2011


well,i've been invited to house of  1 of our patient..
a bit honoured actually,even bdn penat sgt2,kne la pergi...lgpun,dpt mkn free tu...
upon arriving,terbau sumting, a familiar smell...
sniff,sniff.."emm,makcik,masak lemang ke? kan susah tu...eish.sian makcik."

then makcik called us sruh pergi dapur terus..dy kate 
"meh sini sume,arinie makcik masak special ntuk korg,LEMANG PERIUK KERA"

kteorg pun.."HUH???????????"
makcik bntai gelak.."tula,korg budak2 bndar..susa tau nk dapat nie,pakcik kne crik kat paya periuk kera nie"

ak pn,angkatla tangan..(seriously,x tau knp ak angkat tgn mcm budak skola,myb cz terkejut yg amat??)
"makcik,periuk kere yang pokok tu ke? bukn periuk yg ad jname kera? (wth??? apbnde yg ak tnye nih???)
 makcik gelakkn lagi....adui...kwn2 ak pn da pndang ak semacam..(ceh,korg pn jakun x tau,how dare korg pndang ak cmtu!)

yep,seriously,mmg periuk kera yg dalam paye tuh,bkn yg ditanam secare komersial ye kwn2!
but the size of periuk kera yg makcik gune is a bit smaller than i expected..cmni..

see?? comel makcik kate,nmpk comel bile nk mkan..sng n sopan..owh~~~~
then makcik tunjuk cmne nk masak,senang je...cmni lak...

proses rendaman

rendam dulu periuk2 kera tu,bagi bersih..kebersihan kene utamakan ok???

then,kite buang ermm..cmne nk ckp? there's kinda a lip around at the top,kne koyakkan cz nk basuh dalam periuk ni..if x mcm2 ad,..yela tumbuhan kn..mcm makcik ni wat...

see? cmni la periuk kera after the lips at the top da kne buang

after sesi pembersihan selesai,yipppe!!!  kite msukkn beras pulut dalam periuk kera tuh!
hahahaha,yg nie,pandai la ak tlong makcik..

masukkn beras pulut

errgh,nmpk cm sng,tp leceh sgt2 cz y? kulit periuk kera tuh kne handle very carefully..if x,mmg sng sgt2 kulitnye koyak,da mmbazir satu..(cewah,1 je ke yg koyak??)
msukkn sparuh then,msukkn santan lak...

time tuang santan lak,pn kne tgk..if ad bocor kat kulit periuk tu..if ad bocor,sah2 la kne REJECT cz santan mngalir keluar...xde santan,x sedap la lemang..tul x?? so,kteorg,kne la angkat satu2 nk cek...
then,kite pn kukus la....nmpk kn makcik da susun trus dlam pengukus? sng...siap,angkat,kukus!

ni x abes susun lagi nie,byk lagi actually...
makcik kate,kukus lemang ni x lame,about 45 minutes je...x mcm lmang yg gune buluh..

siap pun!! 

this is the outcome,pardon 4 the blurry picture,panas wooo...-_-*.... notice the skin colour has turned reddish? it's quite beautiful actually..the skin is soft and it's moulded to the shape of the pulut

the surface is covered with santan..lawa,berkilat2 ak tgk..but makcik kate x elok mkn ni byk2 cz kandungn santan yg banyak,btul tu makcik,btul tu! (cewaahh!!)

ouh,lemang periuk kera ni mkn cm biase je,side dish,like usual,ayam masak merah ke,kari ke,ikut korang la..selera memasing kan..kenyang giler kteorg mkn td ngn aym masak rendang..perrghh!!!

maaf,pic tga mkn xleh nk letak,cz time tga mkn kteorg  x jge ayu malu!! 
korg try la yea buat lemang nie!! confirm sedap!!! muah2!! bye2!!!


PReDicToR said...

wahhh uniknya...x sangka periuk kera bleh wat lemang...

dyielachan said...

hehehe..tula..1st time tau bnde cmni