Sunday, December 27, 2009

high heels


yeah myb when im in d-trying-all-d-things phase
like make up,dresses,especially d high heels..
myb bcause im a lil bit short (dem) i wanted 2 b a bit taller.

d first time i wore it,it killing me..
after dat,im getting use 2 it..
2 pn cz time orientasi kt kolej kne pki bnde 2 tiap2 ari
but after d practical month arriving..
6am - 2 pm standing d whole time in d ward
 i still can stand it in morning shift
but at the night shift..
d time seems to move much more slooooower than usual...
kaki ak sakit gle!!
n im wearing shoes!!

after dat,ble ak try pki high heels
it damn much..

after dat,ak agk x pki la bnde 2..
agk lme jgk..
but after dat,mama bought me a clarks high heels..
d sole is soft,tapak dy comfortable..
i wear it untill sparuh hncur bnde 2..
it so sad..
tpkse la ak opt 2 wedges..
hmm..bgus gak..ak bleh blari-lari..
even agk woobly..

*ps/dis post sucks!
owh n 2 my fren yg bce blog ak,thanx,but pls leave ur comnt kt cni je,insteadt of korg cmnt trus kt ak pd bsknye n yes,org xde blog pn bleh cmnt my dearest..

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